Sunday, April 12, 2009

Overview of Escondido Fashion Week

Here is my editorial of Escondido Fashion Week...

Flashes of lights, roars of applause, glamorous outfits to the eclectic mix of models made a muted second attempt at a fashion week in Escondido. Oddly enough, I found there to be more positives than negatives. It is the City of Escondido's attempt to put a little glitz into the downtown business district. However, I took issue to that being as that it didn't represent Escondido as a whole.

The week was filled with a mess of businesses (including pet owners, why I don't understand) throwing their outfits on models that didn't seem to have purged enough from all their binge eating. Through all the mess, came a theme... t-shirts and a lot of casual wear seem to glide down the runway. Bravo to the independent businesses who seem to "make it work". Yes, casual wear is the standard but what is the point of sending down t-shirts, shorts and designers from LA if we come here to see some truly unique project-runway worthy outfits?

However, I must give praise to that of Janice Jaracie for Nelli* who seriously stood out from the rest. It was her line that, with a bit of needed tweaking, could save a dwindling market in the City of Escondido.

Overall, this experience was a good one but the organizers need to include all of Escondido in order to make any difference. Why not attract LA businesses to come South and sell them on the idea that this could be the next Rodeo Drive? Or is it too late for that? Only time will tell. My suggestions to the planners are to include some big name retailers!!! BCBG MaxAzria, Banana Republic, Express, Abercrombie and Fitch... these will bring in patrons and spur growth in the City of Escondido. Perhaps next year's fashion week will be a better one.

*Nelli by Janice Jaracie can be found at:

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