So this guy's edition is dedicated to Alex. Reason being, he is one of the skeptics in my life and doesnt appreciate the wonders of having a friend who is fashionably sensible. now to many that know alex, he is a complete man's man and gets all weirded out when anything that is not typical guy like is put on him. So to you alex. i hope that you can get rid of that fear and start to accept that Im a happily straight, metrosexual guy.
So now that I got that part out of the way... Lets get onto the fashion tips.
FASHION TIP OF THE WEEK #7: One of my biggest pet peeves that has recently ive been seeing alot is the layering of polos over polos. Mostly some guys like to do it because it bulks them up. but seriously... doode, its hot outside. One is just fine. So this edition is all about what you can get at a modest price (cuz i am a bargaining shopper).
So the standard things a guy needs in his wardrobe is: Pair of khakis, Faded Denim jeans, pair of khaki shorts, Courdoroy Jacket, A button up shirt, humor tee, muscle shirt, and a polo.
For the more, dressy look, ull like to dress up with a great pair of slacks (pinstripe elongates the legs with add an effect to make you look taller). Properly tailored and you can look your best. A great pair of dress shoes. Great for going out on a nite in the town.
But some simple tips will set you out to looking decent to impressing a girl or your girlfriend.
1) Matching accessories are vital to an outfit. Matching your belt with your shoes can set off anything unmatching colors on your pant and shirt.
2) Every guy should have a pair of chucks (converse). Very casual and perfect for those guy's who like the saggy look
3) Inter-changeable belt buckles are important to have. It can set off a shirt to make it looked tucked in when its really not.
4) Guys should always wear clothing that is tailored towards your body. Meaning dont wear big ass pants when you know your leg is puny as fuck.
5) Dont pop the collar if u cant really pull it off. Not all outfits are made for popped collars. Your neck should be quite moderate sized and you just gotta have that attitude to pull it off. Only few can do that. (No relation to myself of course! lol)
6) Destroyed jeans are nice but dont go past to the point where you walk and all we see is skin!
7) Its summer, bust out those shorts and sandals. Make sure each piece of clothing is not too complex and just simple thin layers will make an outfit great.
8) DONT wear the same outfit you wore just a couple of days before!
9) Wear clothing that you feel comfortable in. Thats mucho importante!
10) DONT WEAR ALL ONE BRAND! And what i mean by this... one that has logos all over urself that says "hollister" or "abercrombie and fitch". hey if you can conceal the tag or logo. then its okai but really. its quite a turn off to wear all just one brand. that is why we have variety. (this is purposely to make kim mad!)
So good luck. Check back next week for the next fashion tip! Got questions? Leave a comment!