So i recently went up to Melrose to go vintage clothing shopping. And I was truly inspired by some of the people that were walking on the street. And much the mod look is being mixed very well with the prep look. So i know this is out of the ordinary for me and for y'all but i want you to be open about embracing these "looks".
Fashion Tip of the Week #36: So like I said, I would be addressing the jean issue this week. Im not going to give a full account as of right now but i will in future postings.
The big thing now for denim girls, SKINNY LEG jeans. Yup, alot of retail stores are finding that many girls are ditching the boot cut (which is considered unflattering to some). The whole jean tucked in the boot/stilettos (or chucks/vans) are a HUGE!
directions for photos: click on 'Habitual Classics' > 'Content' at the bottom right > then click on 'View Skinny Glory' or if you are that lazy then look at these jeans.
Think of the look as from the movie "Grease". When wearing skinny jeans, I suggest wearing loose or very tight tops. Such as these: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
So now you have this look. gluck, and i apologize now if this tip doesnt suit to your taste. gluck!
Check back next week for the next fashion tip! Always dress to look your best (Even if it's a pair of sweats and a tee)!